Greetings from Mountain Lumber

Welcome to Mountain Lumber's design blog! As pioneers in the green flooring industry, we feel compelled to share our experience with those interested in ethically sourced wood flooring to help them make better, more informed decisions. We’ve also seen people do some amazing things with reclaimed and FSC wood and we would love to share their passion and creativity with the masses.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Come See Us in DC

We will be attending the upcoming Wood Flooring Expo at the Gaylord National Convention Center in Washington, DC from March 22nd through the 25th. If you are going to the show, be sure to stop by our booth (#547). We will be raffling off our custom made historic heart pine cutting boards as well as showcasing many of our newest eco-friendly products.

For architects needing Continuing Education credits, we will be giving an AIA presentation on Wednesday March 24, at 12:30. Our one-hour HSW/SD presentation provides and in-depth look at the complex world of reclaimed flooring.

If you are attending the show and would like to schedule a meeting with us or attend our presentation, please e-mail or call us at 800.445.2671.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Put J's Snow Tires to Good Use

Despite the snow blanketing our sawmills, we are out and about providing education on reclaimed lumber. For years, we’ve provided in-depth presentations on the often-misunderstood world of reclaimed flooring to design professionals. We currently offer hour-long presentations for AIA, ASID and IIDA credit. For those seeking to learn more on Sustainable Design our AIA course is HSW and SD approved. If you would like to schedule a Lunch n’ Learn, e-mail Jay ( and we’ll finally put his snow tires to good use.

This photo is from an ASID presentation we gave at the Charles Luck Stone Center in Richmond, Virginia.